1. Open your Authenticator app and delete any existing instance of “Estacada_School_District_WecaUsername@summitlc.k12.or.us” account by swiping left. WECA MFA CAN ONLY SUPPORT ONE REGISTRATION AT A TIME.
2. Relaunch the Citrix app (or access https://engage.cloud.com from browser) Click “don’t have a token?,” type in your weca username@engagesis.org, go to your silvies email and open the message from Citrix Cloud “complete your device registration” to retrieve verification code.
Citrix Workspace Desktop app for Weca/Engage | Weca/Engage cloud engage.cloud.com |
Verification code from Citrix Cloud "Complete Your Device Registration" | Open your Authenticator App and follow steps to add web app (scan qr code) :
After successfully registering the mfa device (iphone), you'll see "Citric: Estacada_School_District..." in the authenticator app with codes being regenerated: |
Relaunch the Citrix Workspace, to the sign in screen and enter the "Password Token" generated by your authenication app: | to stay signed in with the same "Password Token" for up to 30 days, click "allow". |
3. Text Nancy at 541-408-6780 for quickest help, if needed.