
Last weekend, I uploaded the new oaks browser for the upcoming standardized testing season. 

Windows Laptops: watch how to video installOSAS2022.mp4 

First: Please be sure to login to the "Parents" windows login account. and use the MS Edge Browser instead of Chrome.

Second: Turn off Windows Security--

Third: Download and launch install latest oaks--

Click here to download then launch the installOaksLatest.exe desktop app silent installer. If your browser fails to download the file (false positive virus detected), you may download both the Windows OSAS Secure Browser installation file from  https://osasportal.org/secure-browsers.html and the FixOSASWhitescreen app to your Windows computer. download the latest Oaks (OSAS) Secure Browser. Launch the downloaded "installOaksLatest.exe" application installer and you will be all set for connecting to the OSAS testing portal.

Note: Please be sure to launch from "Parents" windows login account.

The installation also includes a new desktop icon called "FixOSASWhitescreen". This shortcut will clear all Oaks/OSAS machine and user settings if the application is not properly launching. Only use FixOSASWhitescreen if you are having secure browser problems--not during open test sessions--to avoid losing your already submitted work. Check with your teacher/proctor if you are experiencing technical difficulties. Contact Nancy or Gage at 541-408-6780 for additional help.


watch how to video


Teachers-- Move devices to "Testing" organizational unit

Nancy W