Here is a link to Kami guide for parents:

Whether you’re helping with a homework assignment or guiding your child through remote learning, we are here to help parents get to grips with Kami and the educational opportunities it provides students. 

Let’s dive into exactly what Kami is, some easy setup guides, and an FAQ to help you navigate your child’s new online learning tool.

What is Kami?

Kami is an online collaboration and annotation platform. It allows students to edit any file type (including scanned PDFs) so that they can complete digital worksheets and homework assignments on their devices. 

Kami’s annotation, comment, drawing, and markup tools give students a range of ways to express themselves and develop their answers. Their teachers can also drop into the file in real-time to answer questions or to provide feedback. 

Kami also integrates with other major online classroom systems (Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas). This means if your child’s school uses one of these systems to assign work, they can open assignments directly into Kami and turn them in within Kami – all in one easy workflow.

How does Kami protect your child’s data?

At Kami, we firmly believe that online safety and student data protection should be a central part of our service, so you can use our digital pen and paper with confidence. You can explore our privacy policy in full here. Below is a quick highlight of our central principles:

  • We do not display advertising on our app or on our website; we do not use your data to advertise to you.
  • We do not sell or share your data with third parties to advertise or market to you. 
  • We do not host third-party cookies or trackers that would allow those third parties to track you on our site. 
  • We use the data you store in Kami solely to provide and maintain the Kami service, and to keep you updated about new developments. And we only use third party services that have made the same commitment to us. 
  • If you ever want to be forgotten, simply email us at and all your data will be completely removed from our system.
  • We are compliant with: FERPA, COPPA, All USA state laws on data privacy, and GDPR. 

If you have specific questions don’t hesitate to contact us at

Who needs a Kami account?

If your child is using Kami to complete work they will need to sign in and create a Kami account (specific instructions for this are featured below). 

If your child’s teacher or school has a paid Kami account (education license) your child can connect to their teacher’s account and access all of the paid features – they do not need to pay separately. 

Parent’s do not need a Kami account to help their child complete Kami work.

Setting up a student Kami account 

Setting up a Kami student account requires installing the Kami extension, signing into Kami, and then linking to your child’s teacher’s account. The exact steps for this process vary depending on which online classroom system (learning management system) your child’s school uses. Please select the instructions that are appropriate to your school (if you are unsure ask your child’s teacher):

How to open, complete, and turn in a Kami assignment

Opening, completed, and turning in a Kami assignment can be done in a few quick steps. As with set up, the exact pathway varies on your school’s online classroom system. Select the instructions that are appropriate to your child’s classroom:

More Kami resources

Looking for some more information? Check out our resources:


Why isn’t the Turn In button there?

If your child is using Kami alongside an integration (connecting you to either Google Classroom, Schoology, or Canvas) you will have access to the Turn In feature. This appears as a button in the top right-hand corner of the students’ Kami view. Clicking it will allow students to turn their Kami file straight back into the LMS it was assigned from.

However, there are a few things that can cause the Turn In button not to appear. This article explains the common reasons and how to fix them: Kami Turn in button

How do I open a document from Google Drive in Kami?

You can open any document saved in Google Drive in Kami, whatever the file type. Follow these instructions: Kami open document

What devices can Kami be used on?

Kami is a Chrome Extension, so it can be used on any device that has an internet connection. 

As it is primarily designed to work in the Google Chrome environment, we suggest using either a Chromebook or a Mac/Windows/Linux device.

However, you are able to use Kami functions on an iPad. This article explains more about how to set this up: Kami for iPad